Take me to the wall!

Take me to the wall!

Hello February, I am hoping that the groundhog who predicted early spring is correct. I am ready!

I started my spring cleaning early. If you ever come to my house and it’s spotless I was stress cleaning. This kind of cleaning takes it to a whole new level. When my baseboards have been cleaned you know there is trouble. This is exactly what happened to me recently. I did something I have not done in 2023. I braved the dreaded weight scale.  I sat shocked at the number that came up. Is this thing set right? This is the most I have ever weighed in my life and while my BMI is still normal I am not feeling it. I have had difficulty remaining motivated to work out in these long cold months. I feel more like a bear. You can find me hibernating, call me spring hits.

When I saw that number come up on the scale I knew I had to change a few things again in my life and get back on track. I am not beating myself up that that number even though it almost gave me a heart attack. I am not allowing that number to control me but rather reminding myself that I stress ate a lot last year! It was one heck of year. I changed everything about my life and I lost my best friend. I am going to now turn the stress I feel into power to shred these pounds.

My weakness in life will always be sweets. I would die before I gave up eating cake. I am hoping to learn better portions and not fit the whole cake in my mouth. Minus my birthday that will forever be a day filled with bad choices and enough cake to kill me. It’s my day! I will live my best day or month!

At last, I found myself searching for a new workout routine. Trying to find something to spark my interest and get me motivated. I am always trying to outrun myself. I feel accomplished when I set new goals. I am happy to report after recovering from an injury I am back on the bike. Nothing kills my restless legs as biking until I cannot get off the Pelton. Pelton leader board keeps me going. I got close to the top and rode into the top 3 but I need a number 1 ride. I am coming for you.

I will forever include yoga and meditation in my life I need those to remain clam, collected and calm. I however was searching for something full body strength as I do need to work on my over all strength. That is when I found an interesting video on wall pilaties. It was going so good I was feeling the body burn with the video I was following. Then this lady took wall climbers up on the wall in 2 different ways. I had myself questioning my sanity. I do not enjoy mountain climbers on the ground level. What have I gotten myself into? I cannot raise my arms over my head and legit every piece of me hurts. I think my found my ass kicking get in shape work out. I am almost a week into it and starting to see results already. Fit in Feburary game on! 28 days of work out and 28 days in Feburary how fitting.

This is just the motivation I need as I get ready to tackle this month on. I am transitioning to an new job and popping in for a few shifts at an old job. I am planning some trips and looking forward to reconnecting and traveling to a provience I had not visited to spent time with someone who was a huge part of my life. Over the years we lost contact but because of social media we found each other and in March the fun begins. Birthday month I am going all out.

I am buying concert tickets and going outside my comfort zone with new styles of music. I am embracing saying yes to any adventure I am offered. I vowed to make 2023 the best year yet. A wise old senior once told me to make this life as comfortable as possible. In the almost 40 years we shared we saw alot of beautiful sights. I am vowing to be a healier, kinder more adventurous version of myself. I vow to always try the cake and work hard to keep myself strong and ready to take on whatever comes next.


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