Summer holidays!

Let the summertime fun begin. Schools are out for summer! Your huge smile on your face as you ran in the door on the last day of school holding the final report card. Every year the teachers’ comments about you sweet boy bring tears to my eyes. Each and every year you make me so proud. You do such a great job in school. I hope you never lose that wonder to learn. It’s time to start the summertime fun!

Each year at the end of school you pick something fun to do. These summertime trips have been some of my favourite memories. You are such a joy to travel with and you make anything you do fun.

This year you found a cat cafe in Port Hope. Even though you have a cat at home who is needy and will share hot chocolate and baked goodies with you this is what you wanted to do. I am a big believer in making these road trips just the two of us an all-day fun event and since this was already animal-themed I took to google searching all the things around.

I found this interesting place that makes huge sculptures out of recycled materials with lots of animals to be found. Primitive designs we got lost in how cool everything was and we now want a huge sculpture for our home! If you live in this area or want a cool road trip check this out. It was free entry you are encouraged to make a donation and take something home from the multifloor gift shop. It had a little of everthing. D picked out a hedgehog candle holder to add to our dinner table and remind us of this day. I have added a giant flamingo and palm tree to my want list.

We had lunch along the shores of lake Ontario. After lunch he took me on a wonderful walk about before heading to meet the cats.

Toe beans cat cafe was absolutely adorable. They had 37 cats up for adoption. I had a delightful chai latte and D enjoyed a cat butt cookie. I must say this place was spotless and the cats are so loved. Some people come often some people like D would stay forever and if he could he would have adopted all the cats. We booked time tickets I am not sure if they had a time limit because once they saw how amazing D was with cats they just let him have the time of his life. He had all the cats falling in love with him. I sat sipping my latte thinking I love his life. I hope he grows up and does something with animals. He really has a way with animals that is amazing to witness. We stayed at the cat cafe for a long while and even got pins to support the kitties. D wants to go back again if anyone wants to have coffee with cats he is ready to go!

The afternoon I decided to go to a mini goat farm. My mom has 2 goats that were supposed to be mini but turned into full sized goats with horns that hurt. I figured we might see some baby mini goats so off we went to Haute goat farm. D being the animals whisperer he is had all the animals falling in love with him. It might have been the grass he was feeding him or the conversations he always talks to the animals. This farm has Islandic horses who came running over to eat grass and get some pat pats. Gorgeous horses I wish I could have fit one in my car. The farm also had chickens, aplacas, goats and pigs. They also do some disc golf that looked super fun. They have speical events and delicious treats in the screaming goat cafe. D tried goats milk ice cream and gave it raving good reviews. If you want an animals themed day this day did not disappoint our pets might have been slightly mad when we got home and they smelled us but we had a day filled with laughter, fun and smiles.

No trip home is complete without a quick stop for cheesecake and pie and the famous big apple. My entire life my dad always stopped at this tourist destination and every year I looked forward to it. My Opa always stopped for pie too. It is a family tradition I am happy my son also looks forward too. With sugar highs and great first day of summer vacation I cannot wait to see all the things we pack into the best Canadian summer months. Stay tuned for more fun thought the eyes of a 10 year old. Soak up as much summer fun as you can!

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