I didn’t want to ride the bus I wanted to drive the bus

I didn’t want to ride the bus I wanted to drive the bus…

It’s important to have dreams. Share with me what are some of your career dreams?

My first career dream comes from my first day of school.

My first day of school I remember getting on the bus and thinking “wow this is amazing”. I had a woman bus driver in public school and I was in awe of how she could drive such a huge vehicle. I thought my bus driver was the coolest woman ever! My bus ride to school was short, only a few minutes long. I sat with the window open, wind in my hair, living the dream life. I remember getting off the bus the first day of kindergarten with a dream I didn’t want to ride the bus I wanted to drive the bus. I’m sure when my parents heard this dream they thought I was going places. Oh the places I have gone and the dreams I have had over the years. Before I knew what a career was I wanted to be an Orca whale. How cool would it be to swim around the ocean all day with the coolest nick name being the killer whale. Turns out you can’t change from being human to a whale and so my dreams were shattered.

I confess as of now, I have never driven a bus. I think the Cadillac is about the biggest vehicle I have ever driven. As my son boarded his bus the first day of kindergarten, three years ago now (time slow down he’s growing up too fast) I cried like a crazy lady at the bus stop in front of family, friends and neighbours. When my son got off the bus after the first day of school he did not mention that he wanted to drive the bus. He has dreams of being a Police officer, train conductor, builder, fixer man and a farmer. This boy is going to be busy, hopefully busy enough to stay out of trouble!

My second dream job, around the third grade I wanted to be a veterinarian. I always had a variety of pets and an endless love for animals. I grew up with cats, dogs, pony, hamsters, bunny, chinchillas and even a pet sheep. My granny worked at the veterinary office and I looked up to her. I always struggled with math and after public school I began to dislike school.

Since public school my dreams changed. I dropped out of high school not long after starting and lost my way for a while, probably something to do with my negative outlook and my addictions. I am proud to say I did graduate high school, granted it was a couple years behind schedule but I did it. I even went on to post-secondary a few times, for a few different degrees. My first degree was in Corrections with a dream of working in Parole. I hurt my back at a job in the summer between semesters at college and I am to this day still living with pain. I graduated with great marks but I decided with a bad back maybe a career in Corrections wasn’t for me. I lost my dreams for a while dealing with an injury takes a lot out of you. I never gave up searching for something that would help ease the pain.

I worked a lot of jobs that were just that-jobs, I got stuck in the cycle of living pay cheque to pay cheque and lost sight of my career dreams. I decided while working to take some online courses in addictions and tried my hand at addictions counseling. I never finished the degree and found it hard to work and go to school. I again repeated the cycle of working dead end jobs that I dreamed of quitting. I pictured the way people quit in movies and I wanted to barge into work and tell them how much I hated it. Once again I decided to go back to school. This time I set my mind on online learning but in medical office administration. I had found my strength and determination and I rocked that degree. After graduation before I had even received my degree, I sent off my resume and had many job interviews. I was determined to get into the hospital where my mother and aunt both worked. I got an interview and I said “I am going to get the job”. I am proud to say my determination paid off, I got the job. I have been at the hospital for almost 9 years now. I love my job, I love the places I work, I have amazing co-workers, and I get the opportunity to work in different departments every shift. This job has changed my life. Growing up my mother was a nurse. I always felt like I was destined to help people but I didn’t know how. I knew I didn’t want to be a nurse, I have a weak stomach and working twelve hour shifts terrified me. Sometimes just the stories I heard from my mother made me feel ill.

I started a dream of working from home. I again went back to school, this time I took medical transcription. I finished the degree and started a job from home which I didn’t love, but I was living the dream of working from home. I started working for a hospital out of town this time, it was something new to me, but this job didn’t ignite a passion in me. Back to the drawing board I went. I wish you all could see this drawing board. I have started over countless times but I never stopped dreaming. I have had so many dreams and so many failures. Despite all of my failures and lost dreams I have never stopped moving forward.

I continued to look into counseling, psychology, social work, all different ways to help people. I didn’t want another job working for someone else. I wanted to work for me; I wanted to be my boss. For years I have been dreaming of how to take my experiences in life and empower others to live their greatest lives. I wanted to share with you my strengths, weakness, victories and failures. I have so many stories to share. I have never given up. I always had my Opa saying “Do your best and if you best isn’t good enough fuck it”.

I first came upon the idea of life coaching through a podcast. I often listened to podcasts while brainstorming what to do next in my life. My drawing board was getting messy! One podcast in particular grabbed my attention and I felt like this guy was talking to me about what I wanted to do in my life. I immediately googled his name to see what he’s all about and what do you know he was coming to a city near me to certify life coaches. I didn’t sign up until the last minute, I think I even paid extra because I was at the drawing board and working out the financial part but I jumped in I thought no this is my calling. Nothing is going to stop me. This is what I am destined to do. I love the idea of helping you reach your goals. This is a job I love. Get in touch with me now and let’s make your drawing board dreams into your reality.

Thank you to my coaching clients and thank you to those of you reading my blogs.

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