Biking my way to positivity!

Biking my way to positivity!

When I was kid I grew up in a small town, on a little street where all the neighbours looked out for each other. I remember biking up and down the street, for hours on end after a long day at school and pretty much all summer long.

I struggled with removing my training wheels from my bike. I admit I was terrified at the thought of two wheels. Four felt so safe. As a child already, the “what ifs” haunted me. What if I fell of my bike? What if I got hurt? What if my injuries were serious? What if I had to go to see a doctor? It took a lot of convincing from my older brother and my dad but in time I did it. I removed my training wheels, a force to be reckoned with. I was a wild chick on two wheels. My first bike was a beautiful navy blue colour with a white banana seat. Between having an older brother and the boys next door I learned how to take my bike off some pretty sweet jumps, ride with no hands and pop a wheelie. Being a kid this is about as cool as it gets. I felt I was unstoppable.

I used to bike with my friends to the local stores. We were able to ride pretty much all over our little town. We used to head to the local park and watch the waterfalls, then ride the bike trail along the river. I always enjoyed when we found a new path or discovered some place new. Over the years I went through a lot of bikes and bike accessories. I loved the beads you put in your spokes to make the bike sound louder. Some of my friends put cards in their bike wheels because they thought they sounded like motorbikes. I had a basket to carry all my toys. It’s important when you’re a kid to take your favourite doll or “stuffie” along on an adventure. I had a bell and oh boy did I ring it!

Biking was what made me feel free, as a child, and let me discover and go new places. When I became a teenager with a driver’s license and I bought a car, I forgot about my love of biking. I had a new need for speed and a new way to discover and go new places.

My son is six years old and he has already removed his training wheels. He’s much braver than I was. He wipes out a lot (he got my need for speed and my accident prone ways). He has had his fair share of injuries but he always gets right back on that bike. We live close to some cool parks. When he had his training wheels on his bike I was able to keep up to him walking, but not now the boy has a need for speed. He asked me to go biking with him but, I wasn’t sure I would be able to bike. I haven’t been on a bike since I was a kid and with my back injury I was worried about the pain. I started my search for a comfy cruiser bike. Guess what kind of bike I found? Oh yes, a Cadillac cruiser bike. Oh heck yes, it’s got a big Caddy symbol on the front. As soon as my butt hit that comfy seat I lost all fears and I felt that freedom I felt as a child. My heart is so full. Biking with my son and exploring new places together has been amazing.

This summer I decided to buy a hybrid bike with an upgraded more comfortable seat and I checked out some new trails. I wasn’t sure how long I would be able to bike or how much my back would handle. It was pretty rough going at the start. I could only bike small amounts, every part of me hurt. I was thinking I made a huge mistake spending the money on a hobby I couldn’t do without pain. I soon caught myself being negative and turned it around. I didn’t have to go far. I just had to go. I pushed myself and I completed my goal of 60kms this summer. I actually did way more than 60kms. I am proud of myself. I had so much fun.

My east coast cousin was home this summer; she’s all about fitness so we took some awesome tours together. It was a lot of fun biking and catching up. This girl is going to go places watch out world! My granny, oh granny she accompanied me with her customized big horse saddle pad seat cover, luxury comfort. I think she’s onto something with this comfort upgrade. It makes it next level cruising. I have to admit she was just a going! Granny biked much faster and further and I thought she would. This lady is amazing, broken pelvis won’t stop her; she just comes up with creative ways to join in on the fun. She took me to some of the coolest places. Granny lives in wine country, cheers to that. I had made a bucket list of 100 things I wanted to do, when I realized I had never been to a winery, granny said we can bike to some and oh we did. The laughs we shared oh goodness so many laughs and delicious wines.

Biking has allowed me to clear my head, and to explore cool places at a slower pace. I have seen some amazing scenery along the way and taken some amazing pictures. (I took all the pictures on my website) Biking has improved my health, as much as it hurt to start, I am glad I stuck with it.

Thank you to everyone who has joined me on bike tours this season. Cheers to many more bike tours!!

One Reply to “Biking my way to positivity!”

  1. Nice read, I just passed this onto a friend who was doing a little research on that. And he actually bought me lunch since I found it for him smile Therefore let me rephrase that: Thanks for lunch!

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