Reading my way into a better life

Reading my way into a better life….

I have always had a love for reading and a love for learning. Once I learned to read, the whole world opened up for me. I could be found with my nose in a book. I loved reading big chapter books as a kid. Those babysitter club books really sucked me in and don’t get me started on Anne of Green Gables. I was such a huge fan of Anne of Green Gables I convinced my dad to road trip to Cavendish, Prince Edward Island to visit the Green Gables Heritage Place. I live in Ontario.

Reading allowed me to escape from my everyday life, it allowed to me to dream, to become a part of someone else’s story. I love the feeling of how a good book can suck you in and hours can pass by while you keep turning pages, aware of the things you should be doing but you just can’t put that book down.

I did eventually, long after it was the in thing to have, upgrade and get a Kobo eReader. I tried to read eBooks but I hated it. I just love holding onto the book and flipping the pages. I love reading in the bathtub with bubbles up to my neck. It’s just not the same. If you have ever dropped a book into the bathtub water you get me! I have tried to listen to audio books. Oh my goodness, I cannot focus when someone else is reading. I need to have that book in my hand. I need to re-read the pages when I forget what’s going on. I need to have that great bookmark. Currently my book mark is one of my business cards. My business card has the most beautiful picture of Tofino that I captured.

When my Oma was alive she used to find the best books. Oma had a love for reading. Her house had so many bookshelves filled with some of the best books. Her books have always held such great memories. Oma always had just the book you needed to read. She introduced me to Wally Lamb, who to this day is still one of my favourite authors. I loved to read the books she had previously read and discuss what we thought. It was like our own little book club. After Oma passed I didn’t read much, I lost that person to discuss books with. It felt like I couldn’t find a good book to save my life.

After going to school and being sick of reading text books, I was still lost and most of my thoughts haunted me with negativity and baggage from my past. I turned to new section of the book store called Self-Help. Oh dear goodness, how can I help myself? I had spent a lot of years in counselling, been to psychotherapists. I packed my baggage so tight and carried it around for so long it’s no wonder my back hurt. I tried to solve most of my life problems with drugs and alcohol. Although I thought a combination of drugs and alcohol did make me feel better at times in my life, all it did was cloud my vision so I couldn’t clearly see my problems. When you drink, get high, or a combination of both you tend to no give a fuck about your problems. I knew from personal experience addictions and running away from your problems doesn’t work!

When I was stuck in my negative thought patterns and just hating each day more than the last, well I thought it was just me who felt that way. I didn’t talk much about my problems to others; I didn’t think other people felt the way I did. Turns out almost everyone feels this unbelievable darkness of negativity. I was determined that if I could reprogram the way I thought and saw my life and create a positive life that my life would be better than ever. It has not been easy it’s a lot of work. It’s daily work. It takes time and patience which are two things I never thought I would have! I have been on this journey for many years and I am here to empower you to do the same. I read so many different ways to change your life; I have tried so many different ideas, thoughts and ways. I understand what works for one person won’t work for everyone. I am not here to judge you, trust me my darkness is that of a horror movie. I am here to tell you when you see your life in a positive way the possibilities are endless. When I was creating this website I struggled with writing about myself. Instead of staying stuck or giving up I called my life coach friend and asked him for some help. He asked me some powerful questions he said “Who are you creating this website for? Who do you want to attract?” My immediate answer was me ten years ago, the woman who was so sad she couldn’t pick herself up off the floor, who thought about ending her life because she didn’t want to live one more day, the woman who was stuck, who lost her dreams, the woman who almost let negativity win. ALMOST! Then I kicked my life in to positivity over drive and this is the woman I am today. The woman who wants to share with you, to believe in you, to empower you to create your path into a future filled with positive light. I wanna shine that light so bright that it’s blinding. I want you to have a journey filled with positivity, laughter and fun! I want you to feel how I feel today. I have lived the life of negativity it does not lead anywhere good. I have lived the life of light and positivity and it’s amazing. Many of my dreams and visions are happening now, because I have a clear vision. I believe in myself. I am once again enjoying reading and have finished some amazing books. I am always reading self-help or inspirational story as well as a good suspense or fiction novel. If you have a great book to recommend shoot me a message.

I want to thank those of you who stood beside me through my journey. I want to thank those of you who continue to inspire me! I want to say thank you for the amazing outpouring of positive feedback I have received since I started this dream job! I am blown away by how many people have reached out to me. Thank you all so very much!!

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