Number 26

Number 26…

The number 26 had no real meaning to me before today. As I sat down to write this blog I realized it is my 26th blog. What? That’s wild, right? I know it feels like the last 26 blogging weeks have flown by. When I set a goal of 52 blogs my intention was to write once weekly. This officially marks the half way point. I am half way to crushing this goal. My dream since an early child has been to write, with the end goal of a book. I am making this dream my reality. I will write my book.

I decided to write once weekly on Tuesdays. I later found out I was born on a Tuesday so clearly it’s a great day. I decided to write once weekly to get out some ideas I had in my head. I never thought I would write pages and pages. I had no real plan when I started. Just write weekly about whatever comes to mind. My general concept and idea was to spread positivity, kindness, and to send thank you messages. I wanted to inspire people that if I can change so can you.

I haven’t nailed my goal of a blog every Tuesday since I began as life happens. I am a single mom, I have a paper pushing job at the local hospital, I have pets and I have hobbies. Life gets busy but I do my best to always make time for writing. Sometimes the writing ideas come quickly and I have so many ideas but there are sometimes I get stuck. I was super stuck while coping with the passing of my beloved dog Charleston. Well there’s no other way to describe than it just down right sucked. His passing took a lot out of me. I didn’t write around the holidays because he was sick and I just wanted to suck up every gosh darn minute I had left with him. He left me far too soon and I couldn’t write. I couldn’t think. I couldn’t stop crying. Truth is I wasn’t sure I could keep going down a path of positivity without him. I had to come back with a blog about twenty things I was grateful for in January as a reminder of how blessed I am. I may not have gotten a blog out every Tuesday but for the most part I have and I have not given up even when I wanted. I pushed forward. I forgive myself and remind myself it’s okay to not make each and every goal exactly on time as long as you keep working towards it. Take a deep breath and get back on track. Keep moving forward and don’t give up!

I admit when I started this chapter of my life I was down-right terrified. The thought of creating and launching my website was overwhelming. I have never had a website and I have never had a blog, both experiences are very new to me. I felt safer when it was just in the planning stages. My fear of failure and exposing myself to criticism or controversy or disagreement would creep into my thoughts. Then I found the courage and I decided to just do it, launch the site. It was close to a year after I got my certification for life coaching in October 2018. (more on that next week) I had stayed stuck in the planning mode for almost a year with being hung up in the details. In September 2019 I decided to just go for it. Launch the website and start the blog and whatever happens just go with it. I knew I couldn’t move forward and succeed unless I tried. Any criticism will make me grow and any accolades will encourage me. I know I have done my best.

I am grateful for all the comments, discussion, e-mails, Facebook messages, phone calls and text messages about the website and the blog. I cannot say thank you enough for coming along this journey with me. Here’s to 26 down and 26 more to go with a book in the works. Thank you to all of you!

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