There’s no place like home

Today my heart is so full. I had the most wonderful day off from work. It was a gloomy day. No sun to be seen, it was hidden behind the clouds, and it seemed to rain on and off all day. It was the perfect day to be lazy.

I received the cutest call from my niece around lunchtime. She was wondering what her cousin was up to. These two cousins get along so well. Then don’t spend much time apart but they miss each other so much. They are each other’s slice of normalcy during these wild times. I am thankful to have my family’s help so I can remain working. I am thankful my sister-in-law is a teacher and she helps with online schooling. It is impossible for working parents and families to do it all, we rely on kids going to school. I don’t know how people are coping. This last year has rocked a lot of things. Changes keep coming with little notice. Change is hard for kids and as we brace for more online learning I know it’s upsetting. For each upsetting moment I can always think of 3 moments in any day I am grateful for and it reminds me we will get through this. If you need help getting through whatever I am always here.

Every night at dinner I ask my son what are 3 things you’re grateful for and what is 1 thing you wish you could have changed about your day. It always starts such an interesting conversation and leaves us both with full hearts.

Tonight we let all our worries melt away. We played some games. I showed them I will always be the Nintendo champion. We laughed and we ate a lot of snacks. (If her parents read this she did not break the junk food challenge) I have all these movie points so usually on a weekend we rent a movie or on an April break Monday since I guess that’s a thing now? The popcorn was dripping in butter and they decided on the wizard of oz. My son and my niece are both eight years old and I think the first time I watched that movie I was about eight years old. It was so interesting to see the movie through their eyes versus mine.

When I was a kid I was Glinda the good witch for Halloween. I spend most of my days wearing this big fluffy dress I got from our neighbour and pretending I was a princess. I think this is where my dream of becoming a princess first started. I loved that dress so much. It had little diamonds and shimmer. I will never forget Ann giving in to me such a princess moment. A memory that thirty years later I still remember like it was yesterday.

I loved this movie as a kid. I thought it was magical and I wanted to sing along to all the songs. I loved the movie until I saw the flying monkeys. Those blue-faced, half-bird-like monkeys creeped me right out. Whoever designed them had me terrified. I had nightmares for years. I kept thinking the monkeys would come in my window and snatch me up like they did Dorothy. My dad told me I talked too much and the monkeys would return me. He was probably right.

My niece Aria noticed right away that the people from the black and white were the people in the colour part the friends were the lion, the tinman, and the strawman. I never noticed this until I watched it tonight and I am embarrassed to say I watched this movie a lot. Yes, after the first time I knew when the monkeys were coming and I closed my eyes and fast-forwarded.

My son Dan being the animal lover that he is, was nervous that Dorothy didn’t have her precious Toto dog on a leash. He was always running free which he said was okay at home. However, he was concerned she wasn’t at home and Toto didn’t know where they were going. What if he got lost or taken again he might not find his way back to her? When I watched it the first time I thought her dog was cute but I never thought of this.

Both had such adorable movie views. I sat back and smiled at how cute they are and how lucky I am. There is no place like home. If I had sweet ruby heels and I could wish to be anywhere after three clicks there no place I would rather be than at home. Being at home during this lockdown has made me appreciate everything in my life a whole lot more.

Three things I am grateful for today:
1. For my family’s help, love, and support.
2. For movies and delicious snacks with the kids.
3. For my silly old lady corgi dog who snuggles so sweetly.

What is one thing I would change about today? I wouldn’t have changed anything about today except maybe the volume level on those kids!

What are three things you’re grateful for and one thing about today you wish you could change?

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