Giving thanks

I love thanksgiving.

My heart and my stomach are both so full. I am so thankful and blessed to be living the life I am. I give thanks not just on this day but every day.

Thanksgiving is the perfect time to review the year with positivity, love, gratitude and thankfulness for all that we have and all that we are working towards improving.

Always something to be thankful for! What do you give thanks for?

I spent the holiday weekend working at the hospital with some of my favourite co-workers. I got to give thanks to all the people who make my work a better place. The people who inspire me to keep doing a great job. Iam thankful for my job.

I am thankful this weekend’s weather was that of summer temperatures. The sun was shining and the leaves are now changing colours. So many beautiful shades of red and orange making an appearance. It’s slowly easing into fall, such a beautiful time of year.

I am thankful that my grandparents made a turkey dinner and my family came together to enjoy a delicious meal. I can always count on my Granny to make the perfect turkey. I love turkey, throw in some fixings and I am the happiest of any meal all year! My Opa (grandfather) loves when his family comes together for a meal. He sits at the head of the table in a seat he has more than earned with the biggest smile on his face. I look around from the other end of the table at the crazy bunch of nuts I call my family and even though we have all had our moments like any family I love this crew like no other. We shared great food, stories, and tons of laughter. I am brought to tears with how full I am. How thankful I am.

My phone was flooded with messages from family a far and friends everywhere. My face hurt from smiling so much. I am feeling the love and I love you all so very much!

Giving thanks for each and everyday I have with you all.

Don’t wait for Thanksgiving give thanks everyday!


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