Calmness in colouring

Do you have a favourite colour? A colour that instantly makes you happy?  What colour you are drawn to?

I love purple! I have painted the walls in my house purple. I have added glitter. I love shiny things. I want to purple glitter my whole house. Purple makes me feel a sense of calmness, comfort, and happiness. Most days I can be found wearing something purple. I wish my car was purple.

I googled what it means to love purple and I found this interesting bit: “What does purple say about your personality?”

“Being a personality colour purple, you have a peaceful and tranquil quality and a quiet dignity about you. People are drawn to your charismatic and alluring energy. … With your personality colour purple you inspire others with your creative thinking and your ability to deal positively with adversity.”

I am calmest when I am being creative. I love to colour. I can get lost in a creative picture. The shades of purple.

When I am upset, when I am overthinking, or when I need to calm down I sharpen up my pencil crayons. Somedays I wake up on the wrong side of the bed. Somedays I can’t get out of a funk. Splash of colour and I am good to go. Get lost in a colouring book. I find a picture that needs colour to come to life. I get lost in the creativity of making it come alive. I like a hard outline and shaded inner picture. The blending of colours. Colouring a different colour. Colouring outside of the lines. It is my picture to do what I want to with. It’s a time I can be creative. It takes my mind and my worries away.

As a kid, I loved those giant activity colouring books the pages never ended and the crayons had every colour. I love sharing these with my boy. The joy and excitement that crosses his fave when he finds a teddy bear or cat to colour.

As an adult, I can’t believe the colouring books you can get. Corgi colouring books, fancy swear word colouring books, Keanu Reeves colouring books. How could I not buy all of these?  I might have a slight obsession with colouring. I own a lot of fun colouring books. I buy a lot of colouring books as gifts. My friends and family can tell you they have coloured with me. I have shared a mix of laughter and tears over colouring pages. I have colouring pages on my vision wall. I love to be surrounded by colours.

I find calmness in colouring.




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