

Lately, I have been writing and trying to organize what information goes into the chapters for my book to be. I write when the thought comes to me and try to organize it after. This is causing me a bit of a headache. I don’t know how to write a book so it’s giving me a bit of a headache. It’s taking longer than I thought but I am not giving up!

I am an avid reader, currently winning my book reading challenge. I have my Oma (grandmother) to thank for my love of reading. We didn’t always get along but we always bonded over books. She always passed on such great books some of which I am re-reading years later and falling in love with all over again. No greater feeling than to have a good book sitting in the sunshine getting lost in a story forgetting all about the day. Dreaming of how the book plays out. I love that feeling.

I love that my son is now reading chapter books. He reads to me so proudly and I can’t wipe the smile off my face. I can see the love of reading in his eyes. We sat on the couch today (Monday) home from a snow day reading and sharing what our books are about. I hope this love of books never fades.

I am on a mission to find him the books that at his age changed my life. Choose your own adventure books. Does anyone else remember these gems? You could be reading along and then bam a decision was presented on how you wanted the book to go and whatever you chose you had to skip to that page and see if you made the right decision. It was a challenge to make it to the end of the book. These books made me reflect on life. These books were like real-life every day you make decisions big or little that could change your life. Would you choose differently if you could skip ahead and see how it ended? Or would you want to go back and do something differently?

I think life is made up of many chapters in our book of life. Some people or characters come and stay for a little bit, some pass in and out, some stay for many chapters. Each and everyone we meet helps us choose our next adventures. I am thankful for the people I have had in my life and the people currently in my life. I have been on some great adventures. Some good some not so good. Some great people some not so great people. Every person has taught me some great lessons. I didn’t always understand them at the time but I trust the process of life and where it is taking me. I know I am here to have great adventures. I keep choosing to take adventures.

I wouldn’t change any of the choices I have made as they have landed me where I am today. I am the best version of myself and I love my life. I am always changing and forever trying new things. I keep the chapters interesting you could say. I am doing my best and if my best isn’t good enough Fuck It. This was my Opa (grandfather’s) motto and it got me to where I am in life today. He was a huge part of my life and made many chapters filled with memories and adventures.

What does the next chapter of life look like for you?

Remember you are in charge of writing your book and choosing your adventures. Make this life the best life you can.


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