

This year has flown by for me. I cannot believe it’s already December, in a few short weeks we will be celebrating Christmas and then ringing in 2021.

December is a month of mixed emotions for me.

Ten years ago in December, I started my paper-pushing job at the local hospital. I started out not knowing anyone. I accepted a job on the top floor. My first ever shift alone was on Christmas and it was a hot mess of a day. I was left in tears and thinking this isn’t for me. I am not one to give up so I went back on boxing-day. I kept showing up and doing my best. I have become a part of a huge work family. I work with some of the best people I could have ever have imagined meeting in the last ten years. I have made some of the greatest friendships and found old friends. It’s been a wonderful ten years. I am blessed to be able to say I love my job. Here’s to another ten years in the making. Thanks, everyone!

Ten years ago in December, I lost my Oma (grandma). The holidays have never been the same since she passed. She always made the absolute best meals and desserts. You always ate like a member of the royal family. You had to wear stretchy pants to accommodate the endless dishes she just whipped up. She made this chestnut cream dessert that no one has ever recreated. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Oma always knit the best and warmest sweaters, hats, scarves, mitts, and socks. She could just whip you up a new sweater while you watched a show. She made the most beautiful quilts by hand. I have so many wonderful purple quilts that I treasure every day. You were never allowed to buy her any gifts, yet she needed a transport truck to deliver your piles of goodies. You could get her a paper clip and she would have said it’s too much. I don’t need anything. I know she’s looking down on all of us this time of year and smiling. Not a holiday goes by that I don’t think I wish Oma was here. I can smell your turkey and taste your jam cookies. I would give anything to have one more Oma hug.

I am Canadian and I could not imagine December without snow. I have never lived anywhere that it doesn’t snow. I love the white blanket beauty of the snow, however, I don’t enjoy being cold. I am the girl who can be found with slipper booties, a heated blanket, and a cup of tea most of the winter months. I would like to be curled up watching the snow from inside. This year as I decorated my house in Christmas lights it was t-shirt weather that was a first for me. I could get used to that, but now as it’s December first, I am ready for the beauty of the Canadian winter.

As the holidays come closer I am getting excited. I know that this year will be different from all the other years as the pandemic still rages on and the area I live in is getting closer to another lockdown.

I am thankful that my friends and family are healthy and safe.

I am excited to haul in our real tree here shortly and get busy decorating. I am sad this is my first year without my Charlie dog, he loved the holidays. I am nervous this is my first year with the Kelsey dog. I pray she doesn’t pee on our tree. I know each and every year when I pull out the decorations I get all teary-eyed. I have decorations from my childhood. I have a stolen ornament of my brothers I refuse to give back! I have decorations made by many people I love. Every time I pull out the boxes to decorate I am flooded with so many memories made and memories I cannot wait to make. I have a box of holiday cards, yes, I keep every card I have ever been given. I love cards and the beautiful messages people have written. This fills my heart.

December is a month of mixed emotions for me as I miss so many people I wish I could hold tight. I am so lucky to have so many people still around me to love and spend time with. Treasure the people closest to you this holiday season. Stay safe. Stay healthy. Spread love, joy, and positivity!

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